XT.com current price is $3.61 with a marketcap of $21.76 M. Its price is 1.76% up in last 24 hours.

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  • xtcom-token
    XT.com (XT)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
    $21.76 M
  • Volume
    $6.04 M
  • Available Supply
    6.05 M XT
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More Info About Coin

XT Smart ChainIntroductionXT Smart Chain is a decentralized, energy-efficient public chain. It is compatible with smart contracts and supports high-performance transactions. The endogenous token of the XT smart chain is XT, which adopts the HPoS consensus mechanism, which has low transaction costs, Features such as low transaction latency and high transaction concurrency.The mission of XT Smart Chain is not only a public chain, but also focuses on discovering and supporting high-potential developers and innovative projects. Relying on the world's largest trading ecosystem, XSC is committed to becoming the birthplace of innovative technologies and innovative businesses. , To build a complete ecological cycle of technology development, application promotion, and trading.XT Smart Chain FeaturesAn open and decentralized network to maintain the security of the network and assets.Support EVM programmability and smart contract compatibility to reduce development or migration costs.Meta transaction function: fee reduction, effectively reducing the cost of developers and users on the chain.Support cross-chain asset transfer and optimize user experience.

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