Mantle Staked Ether current price is $3,396.36 with a marketcap of $1.59 B. Its price is 5.13% up in last 24 hours.

Buy / Sell Mantle Staked Ether
  • mantle-staked-ether
    Mantle Staked Ether (METH)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
    $1.59 B
  • Volume
    $31.77 M
  • Available Supply
    468,479 METH
  • Rank

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More Info About Coin

Mantle Liquid Staking Protocol (LSP) is a permissionless, non-custodial ETH liquid staking protocol deployed on Ethereum L1 and governed by Mantle. Mantle Staked Ether (mETH) serves as the value-accumulating receipt token.

Historical Data

Date Price Volume MarketCap