PONKE current price is $0.43 with a marketcap of $215.24 M. Its price is 1.96% up in last 24 hours.

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  • ponke
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
    $215.24 M
  • Volume
    $16.92 M
  • Available Supply
    499.99 M PONKE
  • Rank

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More Info About Coin

PONKE is a character-based token on the Solana blockchain, described as a degenerate gambler with a unique personality. The project's website humorously portrays PONKE with a narrative of keeping all tokens to itself, highlighting a total supply of 555,555,555 tokens. PONKE is available for trading on several major exchanges, and the platform also offers a feature for users to join the "PONKE army" by using a digital "helmet" tool.

Historical Data

Date Price Volume MarketCap